Act without doing;

work without effort.

Think of the small as large

and the few as many.

Confront the difficult

while it is still easy;

accomplish the great task

by a series of small acts.


The Master never reaches for the great;

thus she achieves greatness.

When she runs into a difficulty,

she stops and gives herself to it.

She doesn't cling to her own comfort;

thus problems are no problem for her.



Lao Tzu - (Tao Te Ching, chapter 63, translation by Stephen Mitchell)



Enjoying the substance world and growing the soul is different even in the one world.

When growing the soul, we do not do anything materially.

Do not do anything, just face yourself.

Just transcend desire like fun things, interesting things, things you like, or things you want to do.

It is not like we exist to satisfy our desire here in the 3 dimensional world.

This does not mean that you have to give up your desire. You will naturally transcend such desire when you face your soul.

And, like as tasteless water is the most delicious water, tasting the life is seeing things purely from the place beyond feelings. Because you will know that everything happened to you is a blessing from light.

Never ignore any trivial things, there is a purpose to grow the soul in all the phenomena occurring in front of you, and only if you keep on noticing it, you will notice how much you bask in love from the light sphere.

Not black for black, pray for light to reward black.

This is the shortest way to grow the soul, making it easy for difficulties, converting great tasks into small ones.

It is when big black stands in your way that you should choose light and pray for light without being tossed back and forth by black. And you will know it will be a big pabulum for growing the soul.

Sumeramikoto, who once used to be a Master, is not the one who does something great as much as people know, he only did what he should had done.

It has left to lead many people behind him to light.

The Tao is one of them.

It can be said that Master is a person who give lights to all unknowingly, and turns people's black into white.

It does not need to be noticed by anyone, but if someone noticed, he would be Master, and what he did might be said to be great then.

But it is not important whether it is great or not, just do what is needed at the necessary timing.

If Master tries to do something great with his / her will, it is natural that less belief is because it is a kind of spiritual thing. It causes difficulties as karma if you do something without natural flow.

It is difficult to reach for the great because it means to use the black energy, magic.

Masters leave everything to light.

Thus, problems are no problem for him.