All streams flow to the sea

because it is lower than they are.

Humility gives it its power.


If you want to govern the people,

you must place yourself below them.

If you want to lead the people,

you must learn how to follow them.


The Master is above the people,

and no one feels oppressed.

She goes ahead of the people,

and no one feels manipulated.

The whole world is grateful to her.

Because she competes with no one,

no one can compete with her.



Lao Tzu - (Tao Te Ching, chapter 66, translation by Stephen Mitchell)


Just as all streams flow to the sea with no resistance, you can flow to the light if you leave yourself to the light.

The Master connected to the light never try to be above the people, nor to go ahead of the people, but only practice to follow the light.

The more she is filled with the light, the more her heart and the behavior will be beautiful, which are seen as sincerity or humility by the people.

Everyone follows her beauty, and even if she becomes to go ahead of the people, which never rule the people.

It is the true figure of being above the people.