As it acts in the world, the Tao

is like the bending of a bow.

The top is bent downward;

the bottom is bent up.

It adjusts excess and deficiency

so that there is perfect balance.

It takes from what is too much

and give to what isn't enough.


Those who try to control,

who use force to protect their power,

go against the direction of the Tao.

They take from those who don't have enough

and give to those who have far too much.


The Master can keep giving

because there is no end to her wealth.

She acts without expectation,

succeeds without taking credit,

and doesn't think that she is better

than anyone else.



Lao Tzu - (Tao Te Ching, chapter 77, translation by Stephen Mitchell)



The light is something to receive and something to pray for someone.

If you are given light, pray that it will send to everyone.

If you are not given light yet, grow your soul so that you can tune to light.

Even if only you strengthen the light, you can not harmonize with anyone.

Share the infinite light given to you with everyone.

Without expectation, without taking credits, don't think you are better than anyone.

Everyone who receives the light around you will notice the truth when you become a truly light-giving entity.