If a country is governed wisely,

its inhabitants will be content.

They enjoy the labor of their hands

and don't waste time inventing

labor-saving machines.

Since they dearly love their homes,

they aren't interested in travel.

There may be a few wagons and boats,

but these don't go anywhere.

There may be an arsenal of weapons,

but nobody ever uses them.

People enjoy their food,

take pleasure in being with their families,

spend weekends working in their gardens,

delight in the doings of the neighborhood.

And even though the next country is so close

that people can hear its roosters crowing and its dogs barking,

they are content to die of old age

without ever having gone to see it.


Lao Tzu - (Tao Te Ching, chapter 80, translation by Stephen Mitchell)


This world is wide, but the only place you need to grow your soul is the small world surrounding you.

There are lots of wonderful stuffs in this world, but there is no  stuff to grow your soul.

It is more important than seeing the world that you observe the inside of yourself here now.