We join spokes together in a wheel,

but it is the center hole

that makes the wagon move.


We shape clay into a pot,

but it is the emptiness inside

that holds whatever we want.


We hammer wood for a house,

but it is the inner space

that makes it livable.


We work with being,

but non-being is what we use.



Lao Tzu - (Tao Te Ching, chapter 11, translation by Stephen Mitchell)



We regard something with shape as everything, and influenced by the phenomena caused by people surrounding you. But all of the phenomena are caused the energy of the soul.

You can notice the energy of your soul by looking at the phenomenon that happens in front of you.

Furious things happen because black is in your soul that is in line with that furious phenomena.

Sad things happen because black is in your soul that is in line with that sorrow phenomena.

To grow the soul, when furious, when sinking in sorrow, do not drown in those feelings, you need to find your own black energy.

It is necessary to stop that black dominates your heart.

The magic makes energy of anger and dominates the heart.

Darkness creates the energy of sorrow and dominates the heart.

You can not switch to white just by amplifying black if you overflow emotions while leaving your mind to be treated as black would.

You can let go of that black if you contemplate the phenomenon that happens in front of you and your heart against it.

If you can give thanks to the phenomenon that caused black to notice and that person who created that phenomenon, it means you convert black into white.