Colors blind the eye.

Sounds deafen the ear.

Flavors numb the taste.

thoughts weaken the mind.

Desires wither the heart.


The Master observes the world

but trusts his inner vision

He allows things to come and go.

His heart is open as the sky.



 Lao Tzu - (Tao Te Ching, chapter 12, translation by Stephen Mitchell)



Black inspires people's curiosity

Doing what the soul wants is different from being manipulated by the magic, but the difference is something you do not understand even if you see only visible things.

Black inspiring curiosity means that the magic works to direct consciousness in the direction opposite to the growth of the soul.

The soul's goal is just to grow.


The more you lead to the soul, and the less black occupies your soul, the less obsession with what satisfies the five senses.