Success is as dangerous as failure.

Hope is as hollow as fear.


What does it mean that success is a dangerous as failure?

Whether you go up the ladder or down it,

your position is shaky.

When you stand with your two feet on the ground,

you will always keep your balance.


What does it mean that hope is as hollow as fear?

Hope and fear are both phantoms

that arise from thinking of the self.

When we don't see the self as self,

what do we have to fear?


See the world as your self.

Have faith in the way things are.

Love the world as your self;

then you can care for all things.


Lao Tzu - (Tao Te Ching, chapter 13, translation by Stephen Mitchell)



Our lives and minds are tossed about by success and failure.

Pride occuring from success is dominated by the magic, and grudge occuring from failure is dominated by the darkness.

We use dark energy in our mind when we are disappointed to lose our success, and we use magical energy when we are pleased at insulting the others.  

It is the reason why we are at the mercy of such a great illness of magic and darkness because of our mind to protect ourselves.

If you think much of your position, your soul does not grow up.

The soul does not obsure at all with respect to its physical substance in three dimensions.

The more you try to protect yourself, the more you go in the opposite direction to the purpose of your soul.

Trying to protect yourself is based on the black of anxiety that you are not protected, and the black attracts the great illness.

When you are not obsessed with yourself, you can let go of black that is synchronized with the great illness.

Physical body is something like a robot that moves while catching the consciousness of the soul.

Understanding that we have our bodies to do the purpose of our souls, cherish it and go on the path of the soul, you can be guided by light, play the role given to heaven.