Look, and it can't be seen.

Listen, and it can't be heard.

Reach, and it can't be grasped.


Above, it isn't bright.

Below, it isn't dark.

Seamless, unnamable,

it returns to the realm of nothing.

Form that includes all forms,

image without an image,

subtle, beyond all conception.


Approach it and there is no beginning;

follow it and there is no end.

You can't know it, but you can be it,

at ease in your own life.

Just realize where you come from:

This is the essence of wisdom.



Lao Tzu - (Tao Te Ching, chapter 14, translation by Stephen Mitchell)



The light sphere is the world where infinitely many dimensions overlap.

When the soul separating from the light and spilling from the multiple layered heavens where divided from the first light in the highest dimension returns to the light sphere again, it is integrated into one light which can be called Oneness.

Knowing that you are tracing the way for it, obeying that way is the way of the soul's growth, the only way, the Tao.