The ancient Masters were profound and subtle.

Their wisdom was unfathomable.

There is no way to describe it;

all we can describe is their appearance.


They were careful

as someone crossing an iced-over stream.

Alert as a warrior in enemy territory.

Courteous as a guest.

Fluid as melting ice.

Shapable as a block of wood.

Receptive as a valley.

Clear as a glass of water.


Do you have the patience to wait

till your mud settles and the water is clear?

Can you remain unmoving

till the right action arises by itself?


The Master doesn't seek fulfillment.

Not seeking, not expecting,

She is present, and can welcome all things.



Lao Tzu - (Tao Te Ching, chapter 15, translation by Stephen Mitchell)



The ancient Masters are those who are connected to light, those who had done what they should do as guided by light.

Everything was not done with their own intention, but the one of heaven.

In other words, everything was done in accordance with what they decided in the divine world they were from.

Since they just go with the flow, they look like careful

as someone crossing an iced-over stream, alert as a warrior in enemy territory.

That was no more than the best was done at the best timing just because they were fluid as melting ice.

As people connected to light are beyond their own desire,  they are not particular about anything, their minds are  so clear as a glass of water that they are able to synchronize with the light, they know that everything is meaningful, so they are receptive as a valley.

And when the necessary light descends on them, water become clear and the right action areses by itself.