When the great Tao is forgotten,

goodness and piety appear.

When the body's intelligence declines,

cleverness and knowledge step forth.

When there is no peace in the family,

filial piety begins.

When the country falls into chaos,

patriotism is born.



Lao Tzu - (Tao Te Ching, chapter 18, translation by Stephen Mitchell)



If you are connected to light and most of the soul's energy is occupied by light, you fill your minds with positive thinking.

Even though no one guide or teach you, you naturally love everything and have a sincere attitude to everyone.

That's the most noble thing.

Being able to be in such a state naturally without religion or teaching is due to true light.

You are tossed by magic and darkness and lose light so much that you might calculate mercy and sincerity.

It is because of the energy of black.


You can regain balance by selecting light and letting go of black.