Stop thinking, and end your problems.

What difference between yes and no?

What difference between success and failure?

Must you value what others value,

avoid what others avoid?

How ridiculous!


Other people are excited,

as though they were at a parade.

I alone don't care,

I alone am expressionless,

like an infant before it can smile.


Other people have what they need;

I alone possess nothing.

I alone drift about,

like someone without a home.

I am like an idiot, my mind is so empty.


Other people are bright;

I alone am dark.

Other people are sharper;

I alone am dull.

Other people have a purpose;

I alone don't know.

I drift like a wave on the ocean,

I blow as aimless as the wind.


I am different from ordinary people.

I drink from the Great Mother's breasts.


Lao Tzu - (Tao Te Ching, chapter 20, translation by Stephen Mitchell)


As a result, there will be times you are solitude.

There is no place to visit, there is no one to meet, there is nothing to do.

No one can understand such a situation of you, and you may be anxious about yourself different from the majority of people.

The more you become alone, the better you can look at yourself.

If you can not see yourself properly, no matter how much you grow as a human being, you can not grow your soul.

In the enjoyment, it is difficult to find black in you.

Look at your heart alone, do not miss any black, no matter how tiny it is, face it seriously. 

The continuity grow your soul beautifully.


Because it is the original purpose of your soul, it is not necessary to materially enjoy life in adjusting  yourself to people around you. You should know rather that it is an influence of magic keeping your soul from growing.