Whoever relies on the Tao in governing men

doesn't try to force issues

or defeat enemies by force of arms.

For every force there is a counterforce.

Violence, even well intentioned,

always rebounds upon oneself.


The Master does his job

and then stops.

He understands that the universe

is forever out of control,

and that trying to dominate events

goes against the current of the Tao.

Because he believes in himself,

he doesn't try to convince others.

Because he is content with himself,

he doesn't need others' approval.

Because he accepts himself,

the whole world accepts him.



 Lao Tzu - (Tao Te Ching, chapter 30, translation by Stephen Mitchell)



Trying to force issues is to use the magic.

In the universe there is a law of energy, energy that is synchronized with the released energy comes back.

If you let the light go, light will come back, if you release the magic, it will return to you.

To dominate events, to convince others, to need other's approval, these are from black energy.

If you notice it, just release it from you. If you are swayed by your black feeling, black rebounds upon yourself and it will become a fetter to ascension.