Weapons are cursed instruments.

They are something to hate.

Therefore he who holds the Tao will not use them.

A virtuous man keeps to the left position in his daily life, but values the right in times of war.

Weapons are cursed instruments and not made for virtuous men.

He who uses them against his will will handle them with great concern.

One should regard victory as something ugly.

He who regards it as beautiful enjoys killing and will not achieve his ambition under Heaven.

A lucky event is honoured by the left position,

an unlucky event by the right.

In preparation for war, a lieutenant stands on the left,

a general stands on the right.

This means that the matter is treated as a funeral.

Cry with sorrow when many people are killed.

Regard it as a period of mourning when the battle is won.



Lao Tzu - (Tao Te Ching, chapter 31, translation by  Chao-Hsiu Chen)



Energy from the universe descends whirling counterclockwise vortex and energy from the earth ascends whirling clockwise vortex.

We thank Heaven for a lucky event  with looking up at the sky, and lament for an unlucky event with kneeling on the ground.

Energy from the sky inspires people and energy from the earth heals people.

Therefore, it might be said that a lucky event is honoured by the left position, an unlucky event by the right.


However, light coming from the divine world descends straight without drawing a whirlpool.

And light/god is not concerned with events occurring in the material world.

Because it is only a phenomenon that embodied energy.

The rules of up and down and left and right are only necessary for human society.

All we have to do is let go of the black before the light.