In harmony with the Tao,

the sky is clear and spacious,

the earth is solid and full,

all creatures flourish together,

content with the way they are,

endlessly repeating themselves,

endlessly renewed.


When man interferes with the Tao,

the sky becomes filthy,

the earth becomes depleted,

the equilibrium crumbles,

creatures become extinct.


The Master views the parts with compassion,

because he understands the whole.

His constant practice is humility.

He doesn't glitter like a jewel

but lets himself be shaped by the Tao,

as rugged and common as stone.



Lao Tzu - (Tao Te Ching, chapter 39, translation by Stephen Mitchell)



This universe is a material world necessary to phenomena black.

Because the base energy of the universe is black, all creatures have black.

There is no black in the divine world of light and therefore there is no substance.

Harmony with the Tao means the state which black and white are balanced.

If only light, you cannot see all creatures even the sky nor the earth.

There is nothing to be clear and spacious, there is nothing to be solid and full, there is nothing to flourish.

Because the Master transcends black and never be dyed with black in this black world, he can be humility.