The Tao gives birth to One.

One gives birth to Two.

Two gives birth to Three.

Three gives birth to all things.


All things have their backs to the female

and stand facing the male.

When male and female combine,

all things achieve harmony.


Ordinary men hate solitude.

But the Master makes use of it,

embracing his aloneness, realizing

he is one with the whole universe.



Lao Tzu - (Tao Te Ching, chapter 42, translation by Stephen Mitchell)



All things in the material world consist of three energies, the light, the magic and the darkness.

That is Yin and yang, black and white.

People hate solitude because they have black.

Black do not want you to choose white.

If you try to face seriously black, it is necessary for you to be in solitude.

When you are lonely, you can find black inside of yourself, let go of it and turn it into white.

Ordinary men are in black.

Souls have to grow in the universe in order to convert the black of its energy into white.

Not facing black in your life is that you can not fulfill the life desired by your soul.