The gentlest thing in the world

overcomes the hardest thing in the world.

That which has no substance

enters where there is no space.

This shows the value of non-action.


Teaching without words,

performing without actions:

that is the Master's way.



Lao Tzu - (Tao Te Ching, chapter 43, translation by Stephen Mitchell)



There is not much point in having substances for souls.

Rather than teaching and actions, having white and doing white makes sense for life.

Those who see white receive the best teaching.

For example, when you did black as betrayal, but you are forgiven by the opponent, you become to know the opponent's white, ashamed of your black, and you thank the opponent who give white to your black without returning the same black.

It is the moment when you turn your black into white, that is the Master's way; teaching without words, perfoming without actions.