The great Way is easy,


yet people prefer the side paths.


Be aware when things are out of balance.


Stay centered within the Tao.




When rich speculators prosper


While farmers lose their land;


when government officials spend money


on weapons instead of cures;


when the upper class is extravagant and irresponsible


while the poor have nowhere to turn-


all this is robbery and chaos.


It is not in keeping with the Tao.





Lao Tzu - (Tao Te Ching, chapter 53, translation by Stephen Mitchell)




If we knew everything, we would have hoped for light and would have avoided black.


But then you can not know black, nor find black lurking inside of you.


So it's okay even if you can not aim for light from the beginning.


The way of light is so simple just to release black that it is  unnoticed that it is the way.


People prefer the black way full of pleasure and power, that is necessary learning.


And it is great opportunity for you to grow your soul in this black world when you encounter the circumstances like;


When rich speculators prosper


While farmers lose their land;


when government officials spend money


on weapons instead of cures;


when the upper class is extravagant and irresponsible


while the poor have nowhere to turn.


Steeped in black or let it go?