Whoever is planted in the Tao

will not be rooted up.

Whoever embraces the Tao

will not slip away.

Her name will be held in honor

from generation to generation.


Let the Tao be present in your life

and you will become genuine.

Let it be present in your family

and your family will flourish.

Let it be present in your country

and your country will be an example

to all countries in the world.

Let it be present in the universe

and the universe will sing.


How do I know this is true?

By looking inside myself.



Lao Tzu - (Tao Te Ching, chapter 54, translation by Stephen Mitchell)



Connected to the light, breathe into the tanden deeply, and a pillar of golden light stands.

If it is silver color or rainbow color, it is still the light of the universe.

If it is white or blue, it is still on the way from the universe to the light sphere.

When a solid golden pillar stands up, you will not be swayed to black nor pulled back to black.

And if you could tell the others about it and they were also able to set up a pillar of light, your light becomes even thicker and stronger.

Build a pillar of light on your family, on your surrounding, everywhere in the world, and the vibration energy of your place, your region, your world will be raised.

It does not mean whether it is satisfied materially, but black can not get along, people's energy will be easily converted from black to white.