The Tao is infinite, eternal.

Why is it eternal?

It was never born;

thus it can never die.

Why is it infinite?

It has no desires for itself;

thus it is present for all beings.


The Master stays behind;

that is why she is ahead.

She is detached from all things;

that is why she is one with them.

Because she has let go of herself,

she is perfectly fulfilled.



-Lao Tzu-

(Tao Te Ching, chapter 7, translation by Stephen Mitchell)



When trying to control something, the magical energy of the universe is used.

It is done by our will and there is a natural limit to control something by the human ego since it means losing the balance of something.

When entrusting everything to heaven, the light energy of the divine world is used.

It is done by light, light has eternal power in an infinite area while harmonizing everything perfectly.


By letting go of control over and entrusting to light, you can fulfill your own soul objective and harmonize with everything.