The supreme good is like water,

which nourishes all things without trying to.

It is content with the low places that people disdain.

Thus it is like the Tao.


In dwelling, live close to the ground.

In thinking, keep to the simple.

In conflict, be fair and generous.

In governing, don’t try to control.

In work, do what you enjoy.

In family life, be completely present.


When you are content to be simply yourself

and don’t compare or compete,

everybody will respect you.    



-Lao Tzu-

(Tao Te Ching, chapter 8, translation by Stephen Mitchell)



"Nourishing all things without trying to" means using white without black.


In dwelling, live close to the ground: the power or authority is one which makes people's minds dominated by black, to be dominated by black is to prevent the growth of the soul. If you let black dominate your heart, it is better only to stand on the ground with your two feet.


In thinking, keep to the simple: black is disturbing heart complicatedly, so you can keep calm, if you only have white so that your heart is not dominated by black.

When you feel anger, uneasy or sorrow, it is a sign to be dominated by black, and the reason why you are dominated by black is that there is black synchronized with the phenomena in your soul. Let go of that black with gratitude to the opponent who made you noticed it, you can convert black to white. Just repeat it until the black emotion disappears.


In conflict, be fair and generous: it is necessary for ascention to have a heart of great compassion. We are in reincarnation for it. So start to feel compassionate to everyone surrounding you. If you can not think of someone else as like a your own family, it is because there is black to calculate in yourself. Hold the beautiful thought only, try to use only beautiful words, and leave everything to heaven, everything will be the best at the right moment.


Compete means to use black, compete black and attract another black. Don't compete means does not use black nor compete black, so you don't attract another black. There is no black in your company if you don't attract any black.